The Academy
"We All Have Levers We Can Pull: Reforming Graduate Education." (Co-author). The Los Angeles Review of Books, 7/22/20.
"One Hundred Job Ads from the Humanities Ecosystem." Profession, 10/23/18. “Evaluating Digital Humanities Beyond the Tenure Track” Part 1: For Employees and Part 2: For Employers, MLA Committee on Information Technology blog, 3/29/18. "MLA Career Exploration Activity Packet: Skills Self-Assessment, Job Ad Analysis, and Next Steps." MLA Connected Academics blog, 10/11/16. "The Strength of the Alt-Ac Job Candidate on the Academic Market." MLA Connected Academics blog, 3/1/16. |
Digital & Tech
"A Day in the Life of a Remote Undergraduate Student: Fall 2020." Inside Higher Ed, 6/24/20.
"Teaching Effectively During Times of Disruption," March 2020, with Jenae Cohn. Resource for the emergency pivot online referenced by over 100 institutions internationally after being written up in the Chronicle. "MLA 2018 Digital Work Sessions." MLA Committee on Information Technology blog, 11/30/17. "(Literary) Corpus Delicti: Finding the Body of Victorian Detective Texts." Temple Digital Scholarship Center blog, 8/27/14. One of several textual analysis posts. "Measuring Edwin Drood." HASTAC, 4/29/14. An early version of what would become a dissertation chapter. |
"Drood, Ghost-Dickens, and the Fourth Dimension." The Floating Academy, 5/12/16.
“Fictions of Order in the Timetable: Railway Guides, Comic Spoofs, and Lady Audley’s Secret.” Victorian Review, Spring 2015. "Not Just the Facts: Victorian Detective Fiction's Critique of Information." Doctoral Dissertation, ProQuest Theses and Dissertations, 2015. |